How do I join All Saints’?

Everyone is welcome to participate in our worship services and other programs. You do not need to be a member of All Saints’ or a member of any church, for that matter, to participate in the life of our community. We encourage you to worship with us, study with us in our education programs, and serve those in need with us.

We hope that when you do, you will want to deepen your connection to All Saints’. We believe that community is essential for most Christians to live into their call to be people of God. We need relationships with others so that we can experience God’s love for us, discern God’s call to us, and help spread God’s love to others. We hope that you will consider making All Saints’ your spiritual community.


The foundation of Christian life. You may join All Saints’ by being baptized here or by registering your baptism at All Saints’ if you have already been baptized in another Christian church, regardless of denomination. The Book of Common Prayer states that baptism is “full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church,” and we offer baptism to infants, children, and adults. If you would like to be baptized at All Saints’ or to register your baptism at All Saints’, please speak to a member of the clergy or contact the church office by clicking here.  We offer the sacrament of baptism on the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord (the second Sunday of January), during the Easter Vigil on Saturday evening prior to Easter Sunday, on Pentecost Sunday (generally falls during May), on All Saints’ Sunday (the first Sunday after November 1), and anytime the Bishop visits All Saints’.

Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation

Confirmation is a mature public affirmation of one’s faith in the presence of a bishop, and confirmation recognizes a maturing faith in those who were baptized as infants and in adults who are growing in their faith journey. Many youth choose to be confirmed when they are in 7th grade or older, and adults may choose to be confirmed once they have decided to make the Episcopal Church their spiritual home. If you have been confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church, Lutheran Church (ELCA), or another church in the apostolic succession, then we would receive your confirmation through reception by the bishop. Those who have been confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church may choose to reaffirm their faith before the bishop. Confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation occur at All Saints’ when the bishop visits our parish, and we offer classes for youth and adults to prepare for confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation.

If you have been confirmed or received at another Episcopal church and you wish to join All Saints’, we will ask your former parish to transfer your letters of baptism and confirmation to All Saints’. If you are confirmed or received here or if you have your confirmation or reception transferred here and if you are over 16 years of age, you will be able to vote in our vestry elections and in other business matters at our annual parish meeting.

Worship and Formation


Holy Eucharist at 8:30 (said service) & 10:45 a.m. (with music)

Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 a.m.

A nursery is provided throughout Sunday morning.

12:15 p.m. Centering Prayer (Chapel)

12:05 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Prayers for Healing (Church)

12:15 p.m. Lectio Divina (Chapel)


Stewardship 2025